tom kaestenbauer
Professional Wedding, Portrait & Branding Photographer
I grew up in the ’80s, a time of neon colors, epic movie soundtracks, and Star Wars.
That was the time of intense, rich colors, incredible lighting effects, and a fat soundtrack. I also consider Pink Floyd to be the best music band of all time. The lighting was simple and direct – the flash straight on the face.
I love working with people and taking their photographs. I love cute and newly-in-love couples, a mundane wedding venue, and the dream of an overwhelming wedding ceremony.
Bold and playful with light but always expertly executed, I turn my lens onto people and their lives. Whether it’s photographing a private ceremony or a brave start-up, I´m giving it a fresh take. I´m bringing my signature style of harsh and selective lighting, honed over 15 years.
Fun facts about me:
I was a fanatical climber and mountaineer in my youth. But now I do what I used to refuse absolutely – I dance. More and more intensively and not always to the delight of my wife Hermi, whom I often bring to the brink of a nervous breakdown with my ambition. Current challenge: Killer Boogie (just Google it, and you’ll see).
Commercial clients include: ZDF Neo, WKO Wien, TUI Austria, Plattform Patientensicherheit, Pecher Consulting, Juwelier Neuwirth, MedAustron, Club Magic Live, ÖRAG, PrimAs/Freiberger, divina art, Kurier, BOP Immodevelopment, bbm consulting, ARGE Gemeinschaftsverpflegung
Hermi Strohner-kaestenbauer
The soul
I´m the soul of the studio who takes your care personally. My goal is to make you feel absolutely comfortable with us. I’m here for all your questions regarding organization and appointments.
I´ll get you through the day relaxed and make your photo shoot a unique experience you won’t forget. Tom makes the photos, I make the mood.